Bergamot has many properties including antiseptic and healing, even creating harmonious and feel-good surroundings. A sweet aroma with a spicy touch that is used for treating depression, stress, to improve our mood and increase our energy levels.
Known by everyone, the aroma of the red fruits has positive effects on our emotional state. It evokes tranquility and relaxations thanks to its sweet aroma with fruity notes. When we smell it we can immediately perceive all the vitality that these small fruits have in their interior.
Lavender is included in the adaptogenic plant group that regulate physical functions and help to keep our organism balanced. It is attributed with calming and relaxing properties thanks to its soft and clean odour. It contains properties that protect the skin and contributes to sleeping well..
With a clean, fresh aroma, Verbena provides tranquility, balance and helps with insomnia. It combats negative thoughts, weariness and fatigue.